Take A Vacation!

Self care is an important aspect of taking care of yourself. It allows you to take a step back from things that may not be so important. Self-care also allows for changes to be made that promote a better well being. Self care is specifically known as making a deliberate effort to improve emotional, mental and physical health. With good self care, comes a decrease in depression and anxiety, and an increase in mood and self-esteem. When picking means of self care, it is important to pick things that you enjoy, so you are able to receive the benefits of the care. Some examples of self care can be yoga, meditation, hugging someone you love, writing, reading, watching a movie, etc. 

Many people will also go on vacations as a way to escape the reality that they are currently living. Vacations like this have the potential to do the opposite of self care because you may return sad and miss the bliss of vacation. Going on a vacation trying to better yourself, and striving to come home inspired and feeling better, is a vacation with self-care, and one that people should consider. 

A self-care vacation may look something like going somewhere that is peaceful to you, but going alone. It may also look like scheduling time each day to rest. This so-called “rest” may look different for each person, it should just be something that looks and feels like rest to you. You also could find a location that allows you to immerse yourself in nature. Keep the phone at home, just listen and breathe in the peace of nature. This can be one of the most relaxing things to some people. Nature itself has so much to look at and listen to, it can help keep your mind busy, and to keep it off of things that may trigger stress or anxiety feelings. Even though a self-care vacation is beneficial for you and your wellbeing, it may not be a feasible option for everyone. These benefits can come from simple self-care done from home or a nearby location. You can walk to a nearby park, or just simply have a rest day at home. Anything that helps you feel reset and refreshed is a beneficial self-care day. 

Abby Goodman

I am a rising senior at Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania, majoring in psychology. I plan to go to graduate school next year to get my masters in clinical psychology and get my license to become a Licensed and Professional Counselor. Post graduate school, I hope to work in a private practice setting, and potentially down the road go back to school to become a psychologist. In my free time I love spending time outside and exploring new places with my friends and family.


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