When Autism Entered My World

Hi Everyone!

Hope you enjoyed the last blog series on child therapy. Since my last series on anxiety, I have become a Certified Autism Specialist! With that being said, blog Series 3 is going to be all about my favorite topic, autism! This topic is near and dear to my heart because my younger cousin is on the autism spectrum. Growing up with my cousin, Eric, jump-started my initial interest in working with both children and adults with autism because I saw the hurdles he needed to overcome and the resources he utilized to become the young man he is today. Fast forward 18 years, the once shy and quiet little boy who did not want to give hugs and did nothing but watch cartoons, is now driving independently and going to college for Digital Communications. Now, he is the first one at family gatherings to give me the biggest hug. He is more than my buddy; he is truly inspiring because he achieves anything he sets his mind to.

Throughout my years in the field, I have had the privilege of working within several areas of practice to help individuals with autism. During the start of my career I worked in the realm of ABA therapy, occupational therapy, and alongside of speech pathologists. Through years of career exploration, I am now able to provide services as a licensed therapist and a Certified Autism Specialist. An interest that was once sparked due to my cousin, turned into a passion, which transpired into a career. Nothing is more meaningful to me than hearing a client talk about their first invite to a playdate or a parent sharing that their child ate a new food. For me this is not work, it is simply following my dream of helping both children and adults with autism achieve their full potential.

So now that you know how I came to fall in love with the autism community, you may be wondering what we will be talking about over the next few weeks! I will be providing helpful tips on the diagnosis process and treatment approaches. Likewise, I will explore what autism looks like across different age groups and how it impacts family members.

Join me next week as we continue to unfold the inner-workings of Autism Spectrum Disorder!


Emily Mori, MS, LGPC, NCC, CAS


As a strength-based therapist I believe mindfulness is the best approach to life's challenges. I help to empower clients seeking to move forward and to achieve their wellness goals.

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Emily Mori, MS, LGPC, NCC, CAS

Understanding the Pieces of the Puzzle: An Autism Diagnosis


Coping with Anxiety - One Size Does Not Fit All