Maryland Counseling Associates

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The COVID Bride

1. How did you feel when you first learned of COVID?

I didn’t think it would be a big deal or impact my wedding at first. When things got bad in March, I thought it may be better by June 26th.  As the date got closer, I realized it wasn’t going away.  It was a mix of emotions for sure.

2. How did it initially impact  the wedding?

Initially the venue had us pick a back up date in August. We had all of our vendors save that date. As we got closer to the date and were still in the “red” zone, we starting thinking through plan B, C, and also D!  Our venue wanted us to have a smaller wedding or separate people into separate rooms.  It wasn’t the kind of wedding we wanted, so we pulled the trigger and pushed it back.

3. Is it still impacting you?

Yes, it is. We did get married in June in a very small outdoor ceremony. Our big wedding has been postponed to June 2021.

4. Have you personally changed habits due to COVID? If so, what?

I haven’t changed habits too much. I’ve been more stressed, so have had to cope with that.

5. How has your life changed since COVID (protocol, responsibilities, hours, workplace stress)?

Stress and anxiety is definitely higher than usual.  I teach first grade, so work is very different. I teach in person with modified safety precautions.  If quarantine is necessary, I teach online.  It is very difficult to teach during a pandemic.

6. What coping skills have you been using to manage workplace/ personal stress?

I have been stress eating unfortunately, but trying to cope in healthier ways. I take baths, walks, bike rides, etc.

7. How has this changed interactions with family, friends, co-workers, kids?

My social life has taken a hit. I see friends but in small numbers and less frequently.  I see my immediate family except my sister who lives in NJ. I haven’t even gotten to hold my niece since February.

8. Has COVID impacted your mental health? If so, how? 

I am more stressed, anxious, and sad. I have more trouble sleeping.

9. Did you see COVID impacting your wedding?

I didn’t think it would at first, but it soon became clear that a 200 plus guest wedding wasn’t happening for a while. I still married my best friend, and I’m happy. I’m looking forward to wearing my big, princess dress and celebrating with everyone I love eventually. COVID put things into perspective, and made me realize what’s really important at the end of the day.