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The COVID Bride
Series 5 Christopher Mori Series 5 Christopher Mori

The COVID Bride

1. How did you feel when you first learned of COVID?

I didn’t think it would be a big deal or impact my wedding at first. When things got bad in March, I thought it may be better by June 26th. As the date got closer, I realized it wasn’t going away. It was a mix of emotions for sure.

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Mama Mia! A New Born in the New Norm
Series 5 Christopher Mori Series 5 Christopher Mori

Mama Mia! A New Born in the New Norm

Little did I know that I would be bringing a baby into the world during a pandemic. I honestly don’t think COVID really hit me or had some sort of impact on me until I got the phone call that my prenatal education classes were cancelled.

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A Nurse on the Frontline of the COVID Pandemic
Series 5 Christopher Mori Series 5 Christopher Mori

A Nurse on the Frontline of the COVID Pandemic

When I first heard about coronavirus or COVID-19 I was quite skeptical anything would really occur from it. I thought back to other viruses I have lived through in my lifetime, such as swine flu or even Ebola, and thought, ‘well I wasn’t really impacted by those, so how bad could this be?’

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Student Life in the Era of Covid
Series 5 Christopher Mori Series 5 Christopher Mori

Student Life in the Era of Covid

When I first learned about COVID-19 I was not very worried about it. I imagined we would be back in school in about two weeks MAX, however, we all know that was not the case. At first, I had no idea it was going to be this bad but soon learned that it was a very bad virus.

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Addiction and Recovery Treatment during COVID
Series 5 Christopher Mori Series 5 Christopher Mori

Addiction and Recovery Treatment during COVID

We have been reporting to the office since March when COVID-19 precautions began, compared to some therapists who have converted to doing teletherapy strictly from home. We have made some adaptations in our clinic and now offer audio-visual therapy from our site, though do still have some in-person patient interaction and have special PPE for this.

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Covid In The Classroom
Series 5 Christopher Mori Series 5 Christopher Mori

Covid In The Classroom

There are many different pandemics going on. I learned this in my beginning Professional Developments at the end of August. There is a cultural pandemic, a political pandemic, and a COVID-19 pandemic.

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When Covid Shut The Bars Down
Series 5 Christopher Mori Series 5 Christopher Mori

When Covid Shut The Bars Down

The news of our eliminated positions immediately threw me into a spiral of anger, sadness, confusion, and most importantly, anxiousness. I just bought my first house back in October, and like the rest of us, I’ve got lots of bills to pay.

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