My Life with Autism: An Audio Interview with Eric LeBow

Hi everyone! 

I am excited to share the last blog in the autism series! This week the blog will actually be a podcast because it is a special interview with Eric LeBow. Eric is a young adult who has autism that was interested in answering some questions for my readers.

“I want to spread awareness for autism and why I am so open about it because I don’t want it to be the soul defining trait for a lot of people. I want people to be able to grow with their autism and be able to live comfortably, live satisfied, and become the best versions of themselves.”

-Eric LeBow

“I want to spread awareness for autism and why I am so open about it because I don’t want it to be the soul defining trait for a lot of people. I want people to be able to grow with their autism and be able to live comfortably, live satisfied, and become the best versions of themselves.” -Eric LeBow

Key Interview Questions:

Q: How old were you when you found out you are on the autism spectrum?

Q: How does it affect you personally?

Q: When you were younger, what were some signs/symptoms of autism that you noticed?

Q: How do you cope with your symptoms?

Q: What are some of the misconceptions many people have when they think of autism?

Q. What advice do you have for other individuals with autism?

Eric’s Video Recommendation:

Link: Autism Representation in the Media

Thanks for listening and reading this week! I hope you were able to find some of the information Eric shared to be helpful! Stay-tuned for next week, as we switch gears and begin our new series! Kelsey Brewer will be back for our next 8 - week series on trauma. 


Emily Mori, MS, LGPC, NCC, CAS


As a strength-based therapist I believe mindfulness is the best approach to life's challenges. I help to empower clients seeking to move forward and to achieve their wellness goals.

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